It’s Time To Get Social At Roller Cave!

Social media treeIn the early 20th century, Nikola Tesla toyed with the idea of a world-wide wireless system. In the 1930’s and 1940’s, visionaries such as Paul Otlet, and Vannevar Bush began formulating mechanized, searchable storage systems for books and media. The first workable prototype came in the late 1960’s with the creation of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) which was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. What in the world are we talking about? The internet, of course! The internet is so ingrained in every aspect of modern life, we rarely stop to think of a time we did not have it. One fantastic aspect of the internet is social media, meaning outlets like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, and here at Roller Cave in Indianapolis, Indiana we wanted to pay tribute to these great social outlets by hosting a Get Social Weekend April 8th, 9th, and 10th!

We will be promoting special giveaways on Facebook and Twitter, and offering special deals and discounts exclusive to our social media outlets. We are even incentivizing you to like and tweet us while you are here with fun prizes. You are already online, why not tell your friends and get a chance to win a great prize?

The whole month of April we are having themed weekends with prizes and incentives! Next weekend is Bring a Book Weekend, and you can gain free skate rental with a new or gently used book donation! That Sunday (April 17th) will also be our Gospel Roll, which is always a fantastic time! We have more in store for the month of April, so, mark your calendars, and make plans to be here!

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